The history of America is an amazing story but all too unfamiliar. American History In No Time is the quickest way to get up to speed with the basics. This condensed overview is divided into short sections that can be read in around five minutes each. The entire book takes just a few hours. In that short amount of time, you can have a solid foundation, knowing the key events, people, places, and principles from pre-Columbian times all the way up to the present. For students, it will give you a huge advantage in school, but more important, it will help you become better citizens and prepare you to cast your first vote. For adults no longer in school, it is the perfect refresher. Even those who are reasonably well-informed will find many things you either didn’t remember, didn’t have quite right, or never knew. American History In No Time can also be a valuable resource for parents who want to help your young children learn the basics in small increments.